Saturday, 23 June 2012

Hello from the Isle of Wight

Not been able to access the internet since last Sunday because hubby, Louis and I are touring the Isle of Wight in our VW Camper. So far we have missed a lot of the really bad weather indeed it was glorious on the first two days of our holiday.

Of course I have been compiling my travel journal/smash book on a daily basis as per almost all trips of late. I bring limited kit with me and then find things as I go along, such as this evening on the beach I found a pretty plastic bottle cap, a shaped spongy thing-to use as a stamp and a netty bag that I can use for stencilling through. Small bits of driftwood are a must as are pebbles and shells.

Hubby found a plastic disk and played frisbee with Louis for a good half hour or so.

Only have less than an hour left of this campsite connection so I am not going to upload photos this time round. We are here for another week if the weather remains kind so maybe I will be able to post again.

Happy crafting, thanks for reading.


Friday, 8 June 2012

Latest Art Journal Page- She Calls Herself an Artist

It's been a while since I've managed to art journal in my A4 journal.  Well I say that and the last time was 10th May! Oh well.

I have been drawing inspiration from several artists including, jennibellie, robenmarie and samanthakira to name but a few, on You Tube and their blogs. Thank you so much for sharing. 

So here is my latest offering. She Calls Herself an Artist.

Decided to use scrapbook papers
Background-layering of paints, stamps, masks (cut with Silhoutte)

When I started I did not know where my efforts might take me, but some how I was able to work through some issues before I knew what was happening.

I drew the girl quite a while ago using Prisma Colors just on copy paper. I cut her out intending to put her somewhere one day. I enhanced using water colours, pen and acrylics.
 Suddenly having a crisis about my own abilities. The numbers reminded me of a mug shot and guilt!

All those voices in my head that I try to ignore!

They have lessened in the last year I am pleased to say, but now and again....well, I'm sure you understand.
 I really did let myself go and felt so much better by the end.
 The quote really summed up my thoughts.

"The highest reward for a person's toil is not what they get for it, but what they have become by it."
John Ruskin